Thursday, 10 April 2014


A lot of questions runs through my mind….....what are the differences between the sexes? Why is there a strong sense of discrimination among the sexes? Why is the man made to seem superior to the woman?   I drive along Lagos roads with people in my car and when there is someone driving badly I hear comments like “na woman” even from women….. It seems as if we ourselves have been conditioned to feel nothing good can come out of us as women. This sense and feeling of “nothingness” and “not as good as” has eaten so deep into our manly society and has even spilled into women-folk. I hate to drive and be taken advantage of by a male driver on the road because I know his mindset is the “na woman” mindset. When will our male chauvinistic society learn that a woman is a part of the society? And when will the difference in our physical structure seize to be a criteria of superiority or inferiority?
I leave you all with these questions lingering on your minds as it is on my mind.

When a man gives his opinion, he is a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she is a bitch” -Bette Davies


Anonymous said...

Pretty hard though, but we live in a male dominated world. It's sad i'm saying this, but it's the bitter truth.

Unknown said...

you re so inspiring

Unknown said...

continue the goodwork..GOD BLESS U

Anonymous said...

A time wld come whn women wld rule d world.......dat I strongly believe.

Anonymous said...

When will that be?...........LOL

Anonymous said...

@ anon 08:05.......women will take over wen ur busy LOL. Mrs Curious

Anonymous said...

Mrs Curious, Keep dreaming, maybe when man come back from mars that's when you and your folks will take over. smh