Wednesday, 30 April 2014


"Bring back our girls" is the song on the lips of mothers in Borno State of Nigeria who despite the fact that they had been deprived the opportunity to be educated still chose to send their own girl-child to school in an environment where education is considered a waste.

Two weeks down the line and all we can hear loudly is SILENCE. The over 200 young girls abducted from a school in Chibok, Borno state are still yet to be found. Isn't it obvious what value our dearly beloved country places on our fragile feminine lives?

It is true that when mothers cry, a nation cries. Who can quantify the pain that struck the hearts of the mothers who probably saw their girls off to school the morning of that fateful day only to be faced with the reality of their missing child by noon? Who can tell what pain, hunger, abuse and torture these girls might be facing right now?

Talk to us dear government, your silence is so deafening and your actions so inactive. Its time this oppression ends, be it political, gender, economic or social related.

I join thousands of women today to say "BRING BACK OUR GIRLS"


Unknown said...

Hear Hear! We need our girls back. That should boost the confidence of Nigerians in this Government administration

Stephen Aboshi blog said...

Boost? Which one?, Lucozade? I really don't think there was any confidence in the first place....

Stephen Aboshi blog said...
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Stephen Aboshi blog said...

With time, we will start believing all the conspiracy theories