On a lucky day, she drives smoothly through a partially busy road and arrives at work at 7:30am. But on a regular day, she spends about two to three hours in Lagos crazy traffic.
She gets to work exhausted but of course has a deliverable and so has to put both hands on deck to achieve these. Alas it is 6pm and its time to go home. As she drives she mentally processes her change of job from banker to mother, wife and home maker. She thinks " what do I cook tonight?, what is available in the kitchen?, Do I have to go to the market on my way home?, ooh, Sapphire and George would have assignments from school, Honey asked for some cuddling this morning, he might be up for it tonight. At 7:30pm, she gets home and job description changes.
Millions of other women live the same kind of hectic lifestyle. They're scrambling to run two lives—one at home and one at work. They want to be good wives and mothers, but they also want to be intellectually stimulated by a challenging career or at least bring in a second income to help their households get by. This lifestyle for some is full and exciting while for some other overwhelming
Over the years, women have been told that they cannot have it all. They have been told that they cannot efficiently handle a career and a family. We continue to cry of the inadequate representation of women in business, politics and other position of power but in truth, there are much more.
Should a woman's career suffer simply because she has a family to cater for?, or should she neglect her family to face her career?. Isn't a woman allowed to live her dreams? or is she better dreaming?
Questions on my mind...........
QUOTE IT: “If men could see us as we really are, they would be a little amazed; but the cleverest, the acutest men are often under an illusion about women: they do not read them in a true light: they misapprehend them, both for good and evil: their good woman is a queer thing, half doll, half angel; their bad woman almost always a fiend.” - Charlotte Bronte.